

System module for Flight Data Processing (FDP) and Aeronautical Information System (AIS).

The system provides all of the functionality expected from a modern FDP system in one package. It also provides human machine interface (HMI) applications needed for communication with the users, such as flight data operator, watch supervisor and last but not least ACC (area control center), APP (approach control unit), TWR (aerodrome control tower), RGA (regional airports) and FIC (flight information center) controllers.

Seamless integration into your
High level of modularity, flexibility and customizability makes CSS FDPS easy to integrate into your ATC system.
Easy setting of interoperability Interoperability is defined in custom “data set”, thus can be quickly adapted to local coordination adjusting and transfer conditions.
Sophisticated two-way AFTN
The AFTN Daemon does not only process AFTN messages, but enables you to compile and distribute almost all AFTN messages as well.
On-Line Data Interchange (OLDI) complying with Eurocontrol
Adjustable to your local needs.
Progressive 4D Trajectory
FDPS module features cutting edge flight prediction functionalities. The results are based on complex computing using instant aircraft performance as one of the parameters.
FPL track for procedural control System generates FPL track with position predicted from the flight plan and corrected by last reported position. This enables procedural control in areas without radar coverage.
Quick reference: AFTN (aeronautical fixed telecommunication network), OLDI (on-line data interchange)/FDE (flightdata exchange) (both X.25 and TCP), ETFMS (enhanced tactical flow management system) and AMA (arrival management message) connectivity.
Processing of messages in both ICAO and ADEXP syntax.
Processing of TACT (tactical)/CASA (computer assisted slot allocation)messages.
SSR codes management.
Mode S ELS (elementary surveillance) and EHS(enhanced surveillance) management.
RDP (Radar Data Processing) integration - correlation output to RDP and flight data updating from radar track.
Statistical functions.
Output for billing system.
Built on COTS technologies, no specific
proprietary HW or SW is needed
The product is based on COTS (common-of-the-shelf) technologies, such as Unix/Linux operating systems. This makes the product much cheaper compared to other products offering similar funcionality, but built on proprietary hardware and/or middleware. This also makes it easier to train technical staff because staff can take advantage from experience with other products based on similar technologies.
Industry standards compliant The product complies with standards commonly used in the ATM (Air Trafifc Management)
industry, fully supporting most ICAO and Eurocontrol standards applicable to FDP systems.
Easy management provided via
Both a graphical, full-featured and easy-to-use RCMS console and a SNMP interface for control and monitoring are standard components of the product. They allow FDPS as well as client terminals management. FDPS may be managed using either the RCMS (remote control and monitoring systems) supplied, or it can be integrated into an existing monitoring system.
Support for various user outputs The system supports various types of user output, such as paper strips and electronic strips, including interfaces to third-party systems.
Easy integration with third-party
FDPS incorporates customizable interfaces to third party products, such as RDP, radar displays,
electronic strips, cooperating systems, etc. In the most elementary case, FDP HMI applications can be displayed on screens of exisiting systems using the X-Window protocol.


Slovenia – Ljublana, 2009

Czech Republic – Prague, 2013

Macedonia – Skopje, 2001